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Phinney's Rainbow

Stephen Sondheim was an 18-year-old sophomore at Williams College when he wrote Phinney's Rainbow, the first musical presented by the college's Cap and Bells undergraduate drama society. The musical was a satire on college life, and the title was a take-off on both the then-popular musical Finian's Rainbow and the college president, James Phinney Baxter III.

Sondheim wrote 25 songs, both lyric and music, for the show including a dream ballet and "How Do I Know?", a song that arose from question songs such as Irving Berlin's "How Deep Is the Ocean." "How Do I Know?" and "Still Got My Heart" became Sondheim's first published songs. The show ran for four performances in the spring of 1948.

The Adams Memorial Theater at Williams College

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Assassins is about how society interprets the American Dream, marginalizes outsiders and rewrites and sanitizes its collective history. "Something Just Broke" is a major distraction and plays like an afterthought, shoe horned simply to appease. The song breaks the dramatic fluidity and obstructs the overall pacing and climactic arc which derails the very intent and momentum that makes this work so compelling...”
- Mark Bakalor

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“I found [the Sondheim Celebration's Company] to be completely delightful. Almost all of the numbers excited and energized me, and most of the scenes were about as pitch-perfect as you can get. I just sat there with a big smile on my face the whole show.

Which is not to say that it is perfect...”
- popcornonmyknees

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